The USB-01 is discontinued and has been replaced with the Pace USB-A Serial Adapter
The USB-01 has a blue housing, if your Pace Adapter has a white housing, click here.
Windows XP
USB-01 Driver Installer.exe
Windows Vista
1. Remove USB-01 from your computer, and terminate (if running) LogXR Software (File | Exit).
2. Download the driver file for your computer (linked above) to any folder on your computer's hard disk (example: My Documents).
3. Double click the file to run it on your computer.
4. After the installation is complete, plug the USB-01 into a USB port on your computer and follow the prompts if any screens appear.
5. Launch LogXR, click Port | Select and select the new com Port.
The new com port # may also be viewed using the Windows Control Panel:
Click Start | Control Panel. Click the System icon. Click the Hardware tab (Win XP only), click the Device Manager button, and click the "+" sign beside "Ports". The Com port number for the USB-01 is listed as "Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port".
If you plug the USB-01 into a different USB port on your computer, a new com port number will be assigned by your computer's operating system. LogXR will have to be terminated (if running) and then started to read the new port. Then the port can be selected by clicking Port | Select.